The content of this mentoring group will be exclusively based on student’s questions. I will be in personal contact with every participant prior to this group, to discuss, where in your learning process your focus of attention and interest is right now. You may have questions that you desire to explore and clarify, receive guidance for. This group will have a maximum of six students, so that everybody’s specific questions can be addressed.
As suggestions and solutions are explored and demonstrated during this mentoring group, you will not only learn from the clarification of your own questions, but also by being fully involved in the clarification of other participant’s questions.
This Mentoring group will consist of brief targeted Awareness Through Movement explorations, hands-on guidance, discussions, and information for theoretical understanding. This mentoring group will be less pre-structured than a regular Feldenkrais Workshop, instead it will follow the flow of the moment, student oriented, comparable the process of Functional Integration individual sessions.
I am in Chicago all of June. If you plan to schedule individual sessions with me, this mentoring group can be a valuable preparation, for you as well as for me. If you do not have the budget to schedule individual sessions, or if you prefer the group-process, this is a reasonable format in which you receive more individualized attention than you would in a regular workshop.
Saturday, June 3, 2:30pm to 7:00pm
$55 if paid before May 25 (Incl. personal phone conversation prior to the group and if desired after the group)
$65 if paid after May 25 (Incl. personal phone conversation prior to the group and if desired after the group)
Held at Inner Metamorphosis University in East Rogers Park, click here
Registration required. Please make the full payment to register.
Paper-check mailed, or use your online bill pay:
Payable to:
Send to:
Amona Buechler
1420 W Howard St.
Chicago, IL 60626
Credit Card or PayPal:
CLICK HERE Payment Processing by the event-hosting organisation: Inner Metamorphosis University
Free online direct bank deposit such as clearXchange or Quickpay to IMU: nicatnyt(at)
Amona Buechler: click here