Retreat-Italy June 16 to 20 2019 Details

Coming Home to Yourself

Authentic Movement and the Focusing Method 

Enriched by elements of Somatic Experiencing® & the Feldenkrais Method®

with Amona and Uta Büchler



CLICK to take a quick look: RetreatAbout UsPracticalities & PicsRegistration & PaymentYour TravelsContact

This Retreat is for anyone looking for gentle, yet profoundly transformative ways of relaxing with themselves and for opening into the lively adventure of not-knowing. When we live from these qualities, we feel creative, joyfully alive, deeply still, and at peace with life’s ever-changing inner and outer circumstances.

To encourage and support people in this direction, we are committed to creating supportive and safe spaces that allow life-changing processes to occur. For this, we have developed a very special five-day retreat with body-oriented therapies, verbal expression, silence, and dance in the stunning beauty of the Adriatic Italian countryside.

Focusing and  Authentic Movement, enriched by elements of  Somatic Experiencing® and the Feldenkrais Method®, will be our pathways of coming home to ourselves. Each of these approaches in its own unique way will support us in deepening our capacity of sensing, feeling, and for trusting our intuition. They will also help us to express ourselves in more warm, free, and honest ways. For a description of the modalities, please scroll down.

What You Will Take with You from This Retreat

In guided explorations, you will – at your own pace – come into a more direct and loving contact with yourself and others. Your inner sensitivity and resilience will grow. You will explore and move beyond the hindrances that keep you from living with a quality of playfulness, ease, and a trust in life.

While the four modalities will provide the foundation of your journey in these five days, they will also be complemented and balanced by unstructured dance, so your soft and wild vital energies can express themselves spontaneously.

Without having to perfect yourself, you can find an inner state where you can be aware of the preciousness of each moment, no matter if pleasant or painful. You can feel alive and at home in every cell of your body.


Focusing: Accesses the body’s wisdom for transforming inner conflict

Accompanied by a listener, we are deeply present to what happens inside of ourselves, such as sensations, emotions, images, words, gestures, and atmospheres. Occasionally we express our inner experiences to the listener. While both Focuser and listener hold the space for everything that arises with a friendly, accepting, and compassionate attitude, this process becomes an incredibly powerful catalyst for acceptance, insight, and change.

Authentic Movement: Lets us develop trust in our innermost, unknown, and surprising impulses

Sensing attentively into the impulses of our body, we allow them to freely express themselves in movement, stillness, or voice, naturally, unmanipulated and without music or a theme. Another person witnesses us in an open-hearted way and is available for non-judgmental verbal exchange afterwards. Body and mind can let go of resistance and deeply relax with what is there. We develop a compassionate inner witness and come in touch with deeply meaningful and surprising aspects of ourselves, of others, and that which lies beyond our personal stories.

Feldenkrais®: Provides refined tools to discover and free ourselves from long-held muscular tensions

Through slow-guided movement explorations we develop awareness of body and mind. Rather than teaching skills, this approach offers guidance for self-discovery, and for a learning that is unique to each participant. As our sensory self-perception grows, we recognize habits, access new possibilities, and thereby improve our quality of movement and coordination. We increasingly attain a greater freedom of choice, and develop an inner authority about well-balanced and spontaneous action in our daily lives.

Somatic Experiencing®: Helps transform blocked energy into aliveness and ease

Through profound neurological understanding and a very specific way of sensing the body, SE helps to release trauma, as well as everyday stress. At times we are overwhelmed, don’t feel at home in our bodies, feel numb, or are in a purely functioning mode. Here, SE provides the tools for releasing these old patterns of automatic reactions. We come in touch with our inner resources, develop healthy boundaries, and respond to other people and to life more openly and creatively again.


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We are Sisters
Originally from Germany, we have lived in various countries and far apart from each other for more than thirty years. Time and again, it stuns us to witness that, on our own and miles apart, we keep developing in a similar direction. We have both found a passion for accompanying people on their journeys to full aliveness. Through these many years, we have often been amazed by the parallels in our paths, as we have been growing through training in dance, martial arts, body-oriented therapies, and meditative spiritual practices. Because our exchange was always so exciting and inspiring, we began offering workshops together – in the US as well as in Germany. With a deep sense of gratitude for serendipity, we are happy to offer this retreat, combining our many years of experiences and expertise.

Uta Büchler
Body and movement therapist, teacher for Authentic Movement, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner®,  Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner, Occupational Therapist, Dancer, and certified Person-Centered Coach.
Uta has facilitated workshops since 1990 and has offered individual sessions since 2000.

Amona Büchler
Feldenkrais Practitioner® and Assistant Trainer®, ARUN Conscious Touch Practitioner, certified Focusing Practitioner, and meditation facilitator.
Amona has facilitated workshops and offered individual sessions since 1998.


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Dates & Times

Sunday June 16 10:00am to Thursday June 20 3:30pm 2019

Our Daily Schedule

Arrival is possible as early as Saturday 15, 3:00pm, departure Thursday 20 around 5:00pm.

Our daily schedule will vary slightly in order to move with the group’s energy and needs.
There will a daily average of 6 hours for group sessions.
Two evenings and one afternoon into evening are free for excursions.


While the workshop will be offered in English, we can translate into German when needed. 


Breakfast, lunch, and three dinners will be prepared by locals who know the freshest sources of fruits and vegetables. Meals will be vegetarian friendly, diverse, and wholesome to support your inner process. If you have any dietary requirements, please let us know when making the retreat reservation.

The Location and Surroundings

Lodging is in two beautiful historic stone houses in the midst of nature, complete with a swimming pool. Two participants will share one bedroom, and the two houses have terraces and gardens.  25 years ago, we began remodeling the main house and it has been well used. We have finally finished the workshop space to our liking and ready for the public to enjoy.
You can take evening walks to the nearest village, which sits on top of a hill overlooking fields and rolling hills. Here you will see breathtaking views and stunning sunsets.
Click here for pictures.

Three evenings and one half day are free for exploring the beautiful surroundings, ancient cities and villages, a water-filled canyon, hiking trails, and the Mediterranean Sea. And of course you can enjoy the delicious Italian cuisine. This tremendously beautiful region is worth exploring on your own before and after the retreat.

This wonderfully relaxing environment offers a perfect setting for your inner process.

Retreat location: Sorbolongo, Sant’Ippolito, Marche, Italy. Click here for directions:

What the Region has to Offer (optional)

Cities Nearby

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Fees Include

As part of the practice and as a way to ground oneself, participants will be asked to help with some minor (cleaning) tasks.

Fees do Not Include


Euro 830 up to Euro 990 sliding scale. Please decide based on your financial situation.

Down Payment: Euro 400 to register.

Attention: First come first serve. Register early to have the choice of your room. Click here for pictures

Final Payment: Full payment due on April 16. 2019 together with your completed registration form.

How to Pay:
Please submit your registration before making your payment: Click here

Within Germany (Europe):

Überweisung (Online transfer) to:
Mona Büchler
Account Number: 647581114
BLZ: 10010010
IBAN: DE74100100100647581114


Wireless transfer: We recommend TransferWise for you to save fees & for better currency exchange rates compared to common bank charges.
You will need above banking info as well as my personal address: Ahornstrasse 32 in 12163 Berlin, Germany

Credit Card Payment & PayPal to PayPal:

Click here to pay now  – Please submit your registration before paying: Click here

Cancellation & Refund: If you have to cancel for any reason and request a refund in writing anytime more than sixty (60) days prior to the retreat start date, your deposit will be refunded, less a Euro 100 handling fee.  If you cancel sixty (60) days or less prior to the retreat start date, all deposits and payments are non-refundable; although, after consulting with the facilitators, you may transfer your reservation to another person. The person to replace you needs to be approved by one of the facilitators.
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Arrival is on Saturday June 15th from 3:00pm and departure is on Thursday 20th around 5:00 pm. In case you would like to stay an additional night after the retreat, please let us know.

Flights To:

Bologna BLQ – Reasonable flights available, also international

Ancona AOI – Flights are often more expensive, but the airport is closer to the final destination

Transfers from the Airport/Fano to the Final Destination:

From Bologna BLQ Airport to Sorbolongo:

From Ancona AOI Airport to Sorbolongo:

From Fano Train Station to Sorbolongo:

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For information about the retreat’s content or logistics, please contact either:

Amona Buechler: Click here (For info about the Feldenkrais or Focusing Method)

Uta Büchler Click here (For info about Authentic Movement or Somatic Experiencing)

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  Follow us on Facebook – Uta Büchler

  Follow us on Facebook – Amona Buechler.



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